Todd Snelgrove

Todd Snelgrove

Former Global Vice President of Value with over 15 years’ experience in being the team leader on understanding, presenting, calculating, pricing, and purchasing on Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) or Total Profit Added™ (TPA™) for SKF, Vice President of Marketing for ABB, and now part of the renowned ServiceMax Global Customer Transformation Team.  Todd is acknowledged to be a leading subject matter expert in the field of value. He has developed and implemented his leading insight into strategies for sales and marketing programs, strategic account management, customer value partnership agreements, TCO procurement strategies, and numerous programs that help customers increase their profitability by delivering, measuring, selling, and pricing based on understanding Total Profit Added™. Todd has demonstrated successful customer partnership agreements with over 200 Global Fortune 1000 companies, in numerous industries and segments, in all geographies of the world.