Henk Samson

Henk Samson

Henk Samson

Senior Programme Manager Business Development & Innovation, | Strukton Rail

Henk Samson is Senior Programme Manager Business Development & Innovation at Strukton Rail. Focus on Asset Management and Innovation in the rail sector and European Innovation projects.

During my study at the Polytechnic (H.T.S.) in Heerlen, I specialised in Information Technology for the construction industry. My subsequent work has always been as a consultant in the practical application of IT in the various construction processes in use by organisations such as construction companies & suppliers and their clients (e.g. Rijkswaterstaat, ProRail). Currently my focus is broader, including innovation and process design for the complex projects and organisations found in the construction industry as whole and the rail sector in particular. There is an emphasis on asset management, new forms of tendering and organising the value chain.

– coordinator European & National Research and Innovation activities in general
– programme manager / coordinator Shift2Rail activities of Strukton
– consortium leader Smart DeMain (associated member of Shift2Rail)
– member of the Governing Board of Shift2Rail
– member of the IP3 steering group Shift2Rail and TD leader

– member of the steering group of the Shift2Rail project In2Smart

Past involvements:
– work package leader Maintenance Strategies & Execution In2Rail (Shift2Rail lighthouse project)
– representative in the external advisory board of INFRALERT
– FP7 project AutoMain.

One invention/technology that changed humanity according to you?

control (and use) of fire