01. White Paper

How AI-Powered Workforce Management Can Drive Predictability, Sustainability and Productivity

Traditional workforce management processes can no longer provide the level of efficiency needed to meet ever-evolving customer demands.

The time-consuming and manual steps involved in traditional scheduling and planning are rendered useless in the face of unforeseen disruptions and a shrinking talent pool, both of which lead to costly profit leaks and missed aftermarket opportunities.

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Scheduling and planning solutions powered by artificial intelligence (AI) are the key to transforming any service organization and setting it up for long-term predictability, productivity, and sustainability.

This white paper, produced together with Optimize My Day (OMD), will outline how service organizations can achieve all three objectives and unlock new revenue streams and profitability levels via first-class solutions for mobile processes geared toward optimizing routes and schedules, customer interactions, and more.


Optimize My Day offers first-class solutions for mobile teams that are at the core of the value-added chain.

OMD’s solution offers automated continuous planning, intelligent partitioning, team planning and scenario planning. Along with strategic consulting, OMD enables organizations to leverage AI-driven best practices along all tiers of the service supply chain. For more information, visit the website.

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When it comes to the current labor market, organizations are forced to do more with less.