01. Survey Report
Aftermarket Benchmark Survey Report 2022
2022 marks the fourth consecutive year Vendavo has partnered with Copperberg to study the state of Aftermarket business within the industrial manufacturing sector. In that time, we’ve seen significant swings that, looking back, can be at least partially attributed to the volatility of a global pandemic and persistent economic uncertainty.
In 2022, a question arises: have manufacturers missed an opportunity to increase revenue and profitability through services? We look at the data in the 4th annual Aftermarket Benchmark Study and, even more importantly, our pricing experts outline a way forward for 2023 and beyond.

The 2022 Aftermarket Benchmark is the 4th annual research project conducted by Copperberg and Vendavo.
With the luxury of being able to look back over several years of response data, and especially since the initial survey was fielded preCovid, we are now able to see how industrial manufacturers assess organizational change since 2019 and how the aftermarket business contributed.
Vendavo partners with the world’s leading companies to accelerate growth and profitability, advance innovation, and build more prosperous communities.
Our proven, repeatable process, and passionate, experienced people lower risk, accelerate value, and drive profitable, unrivaled business outcomes for our customers. We are passionate about helping our customers deliver the right products, at the right prices, at the right time, for the right people. For more information, visit the website.
Copperberg creates original content, on physical and digital platforms, bringing together the manufacturing community in order to grow and build relationships globally.
On a daily basis, we work hard to improve, develop and innovate our concepts and original content in order to ensure the best hands-on, real-life strategies for all our community members. Our ambition is to provide ideas, networking, and industry exchange between peers that inspires and leads to action. For more information, visit the website.
Benchmark: “How much would you say your organization has changed compared to 2019?”